SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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---------- CATALOG.DOC -----------
DESCRIPTION: Austin Atari Computer Enthusiasts (A.A.C.E.) Original
(Colossal Cave) Adventure disk.
This is the "original" Crowther/Woods adventure, translated into
Megamax C by Marvin W. Rasmussen. The BDS-C Users group version
by Jay R. Jaeger and L. C. Calhoun (from CP/M Volume 053) was used
as the starting point, but substantial additions and modifications
have been made to bring this version into conformance with the
Crowther/Woods version (by using FORTRAN source code listings
for versions running on two other computers).
Filename.ext Size Description
------------ ---- -------------------------------------------------
ADVENT.TOS 45K Compiled and linked executable file - open to run
ADVENT0.DAT 2K Required adventure data file
ADVENT1.DAT 18K ditto
ADVENT2.DAT 6K ditto
ADVENT3.DAT 6K ditto
ADVENT4.DAT 4K ditto
ADVENT5.DAT 6K ditto
ADVENT6.DAT 19K ditto
ADVENTR.DAT 1K ditto, don't forget you need these in order to run
CATALOG.DOC 3K Catalog of files on this disk
READ.ME 6K Help in getting started and general information
The following folder and files are found only on the developer's
version disk (none of them are necessary for playing the game):
ADVENT.SRC Folder containing all of the following files:
ADVENT.C 19K Main adventure program, in C
ADVENT.H 6K Header file defining the global variables
ADVENT.LNK <1K File used by the Megamax Linker
ADVENT.MAK <1K File used by the Megamax Shell to automate the
compile and link cycle
ADVENT0.TXT 2K Maintenance mode message database
ADVENT1.TXT 18K Long form description message database
ADVENT2.TXT 6K Short form description message database
ADVENT3.TXT 6K Travel table (motion rules) database
ADVENT4.TXT 4K Vocabulary database
ADVENT5.TXT 6K Object description message database
ADVENT6.TXT 19K Miscellaneous (random) message database
BDSCUTIL.C 1K Megamax C version of some BDS-C library utilities
DATABASE.C 7K Source for data manipulation sub-routines
DATABASE.DOC 9K Description of the database file formats and use
DIARY.TXT 22K Notes on the development of this version
ENCRYPT.C 2K Source of utility to make .DAT files from .TXT files
ENCRYPT.MAK <1K Used by Megamax Shell to compile and link ENCRYPT
ENCRYPT.TOS 8K Compiled and linked executable file - open to run
ENGLISH.C 7K Source for parser and maintenance sub-routines
ENVIRON.DOC 2K Description of the development environment and notes
ITVERB.C 5K Source for intransitive verb (no object) sub-routines
TURN.C 30K Source for single turn sub-routines
VERB.C 15K Source for transitive verb (object) sub-routines